Work technology

Further applications

Track renewal options

By combining the two methods already presented, track renewal and track removal, a complete track renewal can also be carried out with a ConstructionLiner.

Option 1:

  • Conventional track removal (excavator, etc.)
  • Laying new track with the ConstructionLiner 1000

Option 2:

  • Track removal with the ConstructionLiner 1000
  • Laying new track with the ConstructionLiner 1000 (reverse working direction)

Exchange sleepers systematically with ballast handling included

The SES 170 sleeper exchange system was developed for systematically replacing sleepers on high-capacity lines. The special feature is that sleepers can be removed from the centre of the track without spreading the rails. In addition to sleeper exchange, the SES 170 is also used to restore the track geometry. Apart from the start and end of work, sleeper exchange is semi-automated, with approx. two sleepers being replaced every minute.


After the site has been prepared manually, the SES 170 suction units clear away the ballast surrounding the sleepers. Now it is possible to move them. At the start of work, the sleeper manipulator pulls twelve old sleepers forwards in the working direction and removes four sleepers to create an open space as a working gap.

The sleepers are rotated by 90 degrees, then the manipulator lifts them out. The machine’s gantry crane can transport up to five sleepers at once. It takes them from the sleeper conveying system to the transport wagon.

After the open space has been created, the system switches to continuous operation. One sleeper is removed from the front part of the open space. At the same time, a new one is installed at the rear. A fastening unit positions the new sleepers and fixes them to the raised track. Now, the ballast hopper supplies the correct quantity of ballast. The ballast is then stabilized. The gap in the open space is closed with new sleepers to allow the line to open for rail traffic during the day.

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