Sleeper logistics

Supplying and disposing of sleepers and rails at a track renewal site is a major logistical challenge.

The amounts of materials involved are enormous: in addition to the old and new rails, approx. 1,667 sleepers have to be removed and the same number of new sleepers has to be supplied for each kilometre of renewed track (with a sleeper spacing of 0.60 m). The old wooden sleepers to be removed weigh around 100 to 150 kg, the new concrete sleepers more than 300 kg.

To prevent construction standstills, the materials must be in the right place at the right time. Optimized material logistics on the track under construction can save time and money. Furthermore, it is necessary to handle the materials with care, especially the rails, as treating the new components in the technologically correct way has a major impact on their quality in the long term.

Sleeper transport

The sleepers are the main criterion for the loading train, with different international specifications.

Sleeper transport wagons with an integrated track enable the gantry cranes to transport the sleepers to the track renewal machine.

  • Different sleeper types (concrete, wood, steel, bi-block) 180 to 400 kg
  • Gantry cranes 20, 25 to 30 sleepers
  • Stack of sleepers on the transport wagon (2 packs/3 to 5 layers of 20 to a maximum of 30 sleepers)
  • Gantry cranes (over 1 km long, 2 gantry cranes recommended)
  • Sleeper train at the front – Plasser AssemblyLiner, MultiLiner 1000 (SMD, SUM)
  • Sleeper train at the rear –Plasser AssemblyLiner (SUZ), Plasser ConstructionLiner (SVM)
  • When removing the track, the sleeper transport wagons are always in front of the machine on the remaining track.


By optimizing material flow, the overall costs of the construction site can be reduced. With these quantities, individual journeys with full train loads of sleepers and rails are more resource-efficient than lorry journeys in every respect.

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