Assembly-line method Continuous-action and modularly assembled machine systems

Laying tracks using the continuous assembly-line method has proved to be the most economical work method. The entire process of feeding new sleepers and rails in the track under construction is mechanized.

Economic advantages of the “assembly line”

+ High construction output

+ Careful handling of the materials

+ Lower maintenance costs and extended service life thanks to high initial quality

+ Process reliability

+ Lay welded strings

+ Integrate all main work into one pass

+ Largely independent of weather factors

In particular, precision and high working speed characterize this method. The same is true of track renewal, where the old track is first removed and the new track laid directly behind it in a single pass.

Compared to the cyclic method using gantry cranes only, the higher output achieved is the greatest advantage of continuous working action. Other benefits are the careful treatment of the material, particularly the rails, and the improved preparation of the sleeper bed.

Added value of Plasser & Theurer systems

+ Invention and ongoing development of the assembly-line method

+ Multifunctional machines for greater efficiency

+ Combination of cleaning and track renewal (Plasser MultiLiner)

+ Integration of the first tamping cycle (Plasser MultiLiner)

+ Operational safety

Ecological advantages of the “assembly line”

+ Material management and logistics on the track under construction

+ No additional infrastructure such as access roads and construction roads

+ Protect the environment – less particulate matter, noise, and traffic congestion

+ Sustainable use of resources

+ Faster renewal times – reduced intensity and duration of the construction site

+ Reduced use of environmentally harmful small appliances

+ MFS material conveyor and hopper units for the supply and removal of ballast

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