A variety of conditions influence construction work and the use of machinery. Plasser & Theurer can rely on practical experience from a total of 110 countries. Our machines provide solutions for a wide range of applications. Depending on the local conditions and availability, the machine operating company must carry out an individual assessment – here is a selection of possible determinants:

Local conditions/operations

  • Single- or multi-track line section
  • Type of operation (long-distance, local, freight transport)
  • Traffic load
  • Bypass options
  • Substructure load-carrying capacity
  • Site access (easy/difficult)
  • Track centreline distance
  • Station track/Obstacles (bridges, level crossings, foundations)
  • Weather conditions


  • Transport and disposal costs
  • Material logistics
  • Track possession duration/Full track closure
  • Operational hindrance costs
  • Operation on adjacent track
  • Human resources


  • Operation on adjacent track
  • Construction site safety
  • Staff protection


  • Sustainable materials management
  • Environmental impact in residential areas
  • Environmental pollution
  • Duration of impact/pollution


  • Logistics tracks (number, length, distance)
  • Storage sites (location, size, number)
  • Construction roads and site access roads

A large number of decision criteria in relation to the correct maintenance method for track renewal will have to be carefully considered.

from „Kapazitätsschonender Gleisumbau – wirtschaftlich, umweltverträglich und kundenfreundlich“
Hüper, Tesch, Uhlenhut; ETR March 2023, No. 3

Traffic load as a determinant:

Higher construction output allows construction projects to be completed more quickly and reduces the impact on rail traffic.

Site access as a determinant

Where access to the site is difficult, track-bound handling facilitates all of the construction logistics.

Operation on the adjacent track as a determinant:

Construction logistics take place in the track under construction while the adjacent track remains open for traffic. Spoil removal is shown here.

Local circumstances as a determinant:

The baseline situation is very different in many countries. The goal is safe and durable new track.

Local conditions, such as culverts or bridges, as a determinant:

Additional work caused by obstacles must be taken into account when planning the construction site.

Other decision criteria

In addition to the factors mentioned above which determine the choice of method, there are other important conditions to be considered and evaluated: diversion traffic, availability and scheduling of vehicles and machines, the disruptions caused by and the consequences of machine failure, emissions, logistics and wagon provision, storage sites, materials, etc.

It should be noted that individual factors can be mutually dependent, influence, or even contradict each other.

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